Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 3 Summary and Questions

Notes: June 3, 2009

Owen Chamberlin

Forests of Boulder County, CO: Teresa Chapman

-What we are trying to preserve.

Forest Communities of the Front Range

--Alpine tundra


--Upper montane

--Lower montane

Different forest zones are determined and controlled by:

--1.Temperature 2.Moisture

Lower Montane

-Ponderosa Pine

----Thick bark, drops lower branches, fire resistant

-Fire Regime: High frequency, low intensity

----Caused by high moisture followed by drought

-Seedling establishment = periods of moisture with no surface fires

-Parasites and Pathogens: -Dwarf Mistletoe, Mtn Pine Beetle, & Ips Beetle

Effects of Fire Exclusion

--1. Stand & landscape composition and structure

--2. Ecosystem process

--3. Soil Dynamics

--4. Wildlife habitats

--5. Resources

Historic Range of Variability: The range of ecological conditions and processes that characterize an ecosystem.

--EX: High frequency, low severity fires.

--Relates to the objective of restoration, figuring out if the disturbance regime is normal, and overall health of the area.

Evidence suggests that Lower Montane has changed significantly with exclusion of fire. Restoring "ecosystem health" apparently requires reintroduction of fire.

Lower montane in Boulder County is very commonly owned by local open space departments. It also comprises a relatively small fraction of the Arapahoe-Roosevelt National Forest holdings in Boulder County.

Upper Montane

-Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir

----Doug Fir: Shade Tolerant

----Pests: Western Spruce Bud Worm (lower elevations), Bark Beetle

-Fire Regime: Variable frequency, variable severity


-Lodgepole Pine, Aspen, Subalpine Fir, Engelmann Spruce

-Fire Regime: Low frequency, high severity

-Serotinous Cone: A cone that opens and releases its seeds when heated from a fire. The heat from a fire melts the resin which holds the cone closed, allowing the seeds inside to disperse.

-Phloem: Living part of the tree where nutrients are transported

----Pine beetles boar into the phloem

-Girdle: Destroying the living part of the tree (phloem) in a complete ring around the tree, ultimately killing the tree

Aspen: Established by root suckers

-Pests: Elk grazing reduces establishment

----Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD): Mortality of roots with no regeneration in lower elevations possibly due to drought.

Subalpine Fir & Engelmann Spruce:

-Co-dominant, shade tolerant

-Pests: Bark Beetle, & Western Balsam Bark Beetle

Limber Pine:

-Exists in exposed, rocky outcrops

-Pests: White Pine Blister Rust

----Non-native fungi

Misc Business:

Make sure to understand the funding sources for cities and counties on Colorado.


-Direct connection to nature harbors a positive relationship between humans and nature

----EX: Growing your own food and creating your own heat

Outdoor recreation and how its spun out of control

----Problems: Infrastructure, industrialization of recreation

--------Using recreation to get away from mechanized society, but bringing it with you into nature

-What people look for in nature

----Change of scenery/isolation, Trophies (Hunting game, climbing a mountain, pictures), understanding nature

-Husbandry: Feeling attached through your own work

----EX: Volunteering

-How do these ideas connect with local open space programs?


1. List the four forest communities listed in class.

----Alpine tundra, Subalpine, Upper Montane, Lower Montane

2. Name the two controlling factors of the different forest zones discussed in class

----1.Temperature 2.Moisture

3. Define serotinous cone: A pinecone that opens and releases its seeds when heated from a fire

4. Explain historic range of variability: The range of ecological conditions and processes that characterize an ecosystem.

5. List three of the five effects of fire exclusion in the Lower Montane:

----1. Stand & landscape composition and structure 2.Ecosystem process 3.Soil Dynamics 4.Wildlife habitats 5.Resources

6. Does evidence presented by Teresa Chapman suggest that frequent fires are necessary for ecosystem health in forest zones other than the Lower Montane?

7. What are some features of local open space programs that Leopold would favor?

8. When and where are we meeting on Monday?

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